Make a Difference This Election!
Over the past four years, we have seen crime increase, schools fail, and prices skyrocket. It’s time to bring back common sense to Colorado by electing legislators who will faithfully represent their constituents and find real solutions to the problems Colorado is facing. This election, United Community Leaders of Colorado Political Committee will be launching an educational campaign, targeting Colorado General Assembly seats to bring back balance and common sense to the state legislature, but we can’t do this alone. We need your help to make this a success.
You can help! Our educational campaign will be launched through social media. Every day, September 30 – November 5, we will be posting new information about incumbent legislators and the political party that has dominated our state legislature. Armed with accurate information, we can engage in better discussion and dialogue about the direction our state is headed. With information about legislative actions, the voters in Colorado finally stand a chance in electing true representation.
To help, please start by liking and sharing our posts on Facebook and Instagram. You can also be sure to get daily updates by signing up for election information on our website:
UCLC Celebrates its Mid-Year Meeting and Awards Ceremony
On August 17, UCLC hosted its Mid-Year Meeting and Awards Ceremony. This year, we recognize and honor Thomas More Society and Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky. We also proudly endorse Robyn Carnes for SD16, George Mumma for HD25, and incumbent Representatives Brandi Law Bradley and Anthony Hartsook.
UCLC is Present at the Capitol
UCLC met with legislators during the 2024 Regular Session to discuss and promote the defense of life, faith, family and freedom. Thank you to Representatives Pugliese, Bradley, Hartsook, Lynch, Soper, and many more for meeting with us!
UCLC Held its Third Annual Meeting
On Saturday, January 13, UCLC held its third annual meeting, ready to work this upcoming year in the defense of life, faith, family and freedom. Thank you to the Independence Institute for hosting and to Deborah Flora for a rousing keynote presentation!
UCLC Meets with Legislators
On Monday, October 16, 2023, UCLC was at the Colorado capitol to meet with legislators and prepare for the upcoming legislative session. We will be working to defend life, faith, family and freedom in Colorado!
UCLC Attends Pro-Life Rally
On behalf of UCLC, member Michael Alarcon spoke at the rally, providing our support for the pro life movement, pregnancy resource centers, pro life legislators and defending pregnant women. UCLC recognizes that all life is sacred!
UCLC visits the Capitol
On March 23, 2023, members of UCLC’s Legislative Committee visited the Colorado state capitol to introduce themselves to legislators and to discuss UCLC’s mission. You can expect to see a lot more of UCLC members at the capitol throughout this legislative session. For bills of immediate concern, please see our press release below.
UCLC submits press release:
Colorado Legislature Introduces “Trio of Bills” that Infringes on Citizens’ Medical Freedom and Unfairly Discriminates Against Life-Affirming Health Care Options, All While Families Are on Spring Break.
About United Community Leaders of Colorado (UCLC):
United Community Leaders of Colorado is a non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of Colorado and submitted with intent to operate as a 501(c)(4) organization. Our mission is to build a culture of life, faith, family, and freedom in Colorado. We bring together like-minded leaders, stakeholders, and community members so that we can better coordinate, communicate, cooperate, collaborate and connect. Our goal is that by joining forces, we can be more effective in our local communities and in achieving our common goals for the benefit of the common good. You can visit our website to learn more about us here: